Course syllabus

Transport och samhälle
Transports and Society

VTVA40, 9 credits, G1 (First Cycle)

Valid for: 2012/13
Decided by: Education Board 4
Date of Decision: 2012-02-14

General Information

Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish


The course provides fundamental knowledge of the physical planning with focus on the infrastructure, and
knowledge of the transport market and demands from society and clients, as well as the transport sector’s organisation and financing.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Be able to describe the physical planning process on different planning levels
Identify actors and their different interests and how the interact
Be able to describe
- Relevant legislation on a basic level
- The (Swedish and EU) society’s demand for transport.
- Transporters’ possibilities and interest in meeting the demands
- The actual authorities’ organisation and financing

Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must

· be able to give an account of the knowledge gained from the lectures, own field studies (interviews) and literature studies.

· be able to put together information from different sources, compare and draw independent conclusions


The main features of the planning process on national, regional and local levels and the interaction of the various levels and actors. Responsibility for the physical planning. The main features of the physical planning’s system of rules.

A real planning project is analysed in combination with a study trip. The course comprises Swedish and EU transport policy goals, travellers’ wishes and goods-transport buyers’ demands and wishes. Moreover, attention is also given to transporters’ possibilities and interest in meeting the various demands. The Swedish transport authorities’ organisation and financing as well as the planning process are also taken up.

Results are acounted for in written and oral reports.

Examination details

Grading scale: UG
Assessment: A passing grade requires satisfactory part reports and final report, field work and an oral presentation and opposition. The student must participate in study trips and hand in an individual report of the trips. Approved work place training.

Code: 0111. Name: Transports and Society.
Credits: 9. Grading scale: UG.
Code: 0211. Name: Work Related Training.
Credits: 0. Grading scale: UG.


The number of participants is limited to: No
The course overlaps following course/s: AAK630, VTT612, VTVA15

Reading list

Contact and other information

Course coordinator: Anders Wretstrand,
Course coordinator: Bengt Holmberg,
Course homepage:
Further information: Teaching is in the form of lectures, field work (interview travellers, goods transport buyers and transporters), individual literature studies, report presentation and opposition.