Course syllabus

Organic Chemistry - Theory
Organisk kemi - teori

KOKN05, 7.5 credits, A (Second Cycle)

Valid for: 2024/25
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering LTH
Decided by: PLED B/K
Date of Decision: 2024-04-17
Effective: 2024-05-08

General Information

Depth of study relative to the degree requirements: Second cycle, in-depth level of the course cannot be classified
Main field: Pharmaceutical Technology Depth of study relative to the degree requirements: Second cycle, in-depth level of the course cannot be classified
Elective mandatory for: MLAK1
Elective for: B4-l, K4-m, K4-l, N4
Language of instruction: The course will be given in English on demand


The aim of the course is to give advanced knowledge in synthetic organic chemistry and knowledge in physical organic chemistry.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must


The course comprises fundamental organic reactions analyzed on an advanced level with emphasis on chemo-, regio-, and diastereoselectivity. Structure and reactivity for organic compounds are analyzed in terms of sterochemistry and chemical bond theory. The outcome of chemical reactions is discussed outgoing from a mechanistic perspective, which often includes analysis in orbital terms. Synthetic routes for the preparation of simple organic structures are designed outgoing from basic organic reactions and fundamental principles of reactivity and selectivity.

The ability to present organic reactions orally to other students is empasized throughout the course.

Examination details

Grading scale: TH - (U, 3, 4, 5) - (Fail, Three, Four, Five)
Assessment: Continuous examination with passed tests and a passed assignment. The final grading is decided based on that more that 50% of the total points from all part are required for a passing grade 3, 65% gives grade 4, and 80% gives grade 5. Failed continuous examination requires that a written final exam is passed on which the final grading is decided based on that more that 50% of the total points are required for a passing grade 3, 65% gives grade 4, and 80% gives grade 5.

The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular form of examination in order to provide a permanently disabled student with a form of examination equivalent to that of a student without a disability.

Code: 0119. Name: Theory.
Credits: 5.0. Grading scale: TH - (U, 3, 4, 5). Assessment: For a passing grade the student must pass written tests. The grading is decided based on that at least 25% of the points on each test is needed to pass and that at least 50% of the total points from all tests are required for a passing grade, 65% gives grade 4, and 80% gives grade 5.
Code: 0219. Name: Assignment.
Credits: 2.5. Grading scale: TH - (U, 3, 4, 5). Assessment: For a passing grade the student must pass an assignment. The grading is decided based on that at least 50% of the points are required for a passing grade 3, 65% gives grade 4, and 80% gives grade 5.


Admission requirements:

The number of participants is limited to: No
Kursen överlappar följande kurser: KOK020 KOK021 KOK090

Reading list


Course coordinator: Ulf Nilsson,
Course homepage: