Course syllabus

Chemical Engineering Processes
Kemitekniska processer

KETF20, 7.5 credits, G2 (First Cycle)

Valid for: 2024/25
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering LTH
Decided by: PLED B/K
Date of Decision: 2024-04-17
Effective: 2024-05-08

General Information

Depth of study relative to the degree requirements: First cycle, in-depth level of the course cannot be classified
Elective for: K4-p, W4-p
Language of instruction: The course will be given in English on demand


The chemical process industry is changing to adapt from the feedstock situation of yesterday, mainly characterized by finite resources, to a more sustainable production. Catalysts oftentimes play a central role in this change.

The aim of the course is to give an overview and an insight into the modern chemical process industry, its development and future. By using existing processes as examples, the student is prepared to make process choices from not only a technical and economical standpoint, but also from an environmental one. The course also gives an introduction to catalysis as a field, with the purpose of equipping the student with tools for discussing catalysts choices for a process, exisitng or new, with a catalyst supplier as well as understand the development process of a new catalyst

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must


The course has its starting point in yesterday's raw materials and describes the development through the petrochemical revolution to the chemical process industry of today. In the course yesterday's feedstock situation, characterised by finite resources, what changes that has already happened and what future changes that are required for a more sustainable production,.

The course contains the following sections:historic development of the process industry, cataysis, common feedstocks in the process industry, refinery processes, production of organic and inorganic chemcials, specialty chemicals, biotechnical process as well as paper and pulp production.

Examination details

Grading scale: TH - (U, 3, 4, 5) - (Fail, Three, Four, Five)
Assessment: Written examination and project assignments. The grade is based on the written examination.

The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular form of examination in order to provide a permanently disabled student with a form of examination equivalent to that of a student without a disability.

Code: 0113. Name: Chemical Engineering Processes.
Credits: 5.5. Grading scale: TH - (U, 3, 4, 5). Assessment: Written examination
Code: 0213. Name: Project Assignment.
Credits: 2.0. Grading scale: UG - (U, G). Assessment: Project assignments


Assumed prior knowledge: KETF25 Reaction engineering or KETF40/KTE170 Mass Transfer Processes in Environmental Engineering
The number of participants is limited to: No
Kursen överlappar följande kurser: KET040 KTE055

Reading list


Course coordinator: Universitetslektor Christian Hulteberg,
Course homepage: