Course syllabus

Ingenjörsinriktad yrkesträning
Engineering Training Course

IYT000, 15 credits, G2 (First Cycle)

Valid for: 2022/23
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering, LTH
Decided by: LGGU
Date of Decision: 2022-03-17

General Information

Elective for: B4, BI3, BME4, C4, D4, E4, F4, I4, K4, L4, M4, MD4, N4, Pi4, RH4, V4, W4, R4
Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish


The work experience is to provide the student a basic understanding of the requirements and possibilities of engineering of which the selected organisation represents. The internship is to provide students with an insight into different opportunities and conditions for knowledge application. The work duties are to be sufficiently complex to enable the students to apply previuos acquired theoretical knowledge. The relevance of the work duties in relation to the study programme is to be taken into account. The course shall provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the demands and skills involved in professional life which are not of a strictly technical nature but often directly linked to the role of an engineer. During the internship, the student is to work under the terms and conditions that apply at the workplace and is to be assigned specific work duties. During the internship period, the student is also to develop their ability to serve a contributing member of staff.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must


Examination details

Grading scale: UG - (U,G) - (Fail, Pass)
Assessment: For a Pass on the course the student shall:
- pass a written reflective report at the end of the internship period;
- keep a an approved log for the duration of the course. The log is to be submitted weekly to their supervisor at LTH;
- pass an oral presentation with a subsequent discussion during a seminar organized by the department.

The student is required to spend 8 weeks, full-time, at the chosen workplace. On completion of the course, the supervisor at the workplace is to verify the student's attendance and active participation at the workplace. The supervisor at LTH is to be notified of sick leave, the same supervisor shall determine whether the student's absence is acceptable in proportion to the course.

Throughout the course, the student is to keep a log, and submit these entries and reflections (1-2 pages) at the end of every working week to the supervisor at LTH. The log entries are to be included in the final report. The supervisor shall confirm and give a weekly reply to the log.

The following three questions are to be answered every week:
1) What was the most important lesson I have learnt this week, and why do I consider it to be the most important lesson ?
2) What did I do that was good?
3) Is there anything I can develop til next week?

The final report is to include the following (4-5 pages, excluding the log entries):
- A presentation of the company
- A description of the students role, work duties and problems solved during the internship
- A presentation of the different professional groups with whom the student has come into contact
- An account of the best learning experience from the internship, what previous studies/courses has been useful and what the student wants to learn more about after completing the internship
- A reflective part

In the reflective part, the student should answer the following:
- Describe your experience from the collaboration with other different professional groups, what was challenging or valuable in the collaborations?
- How can you develop your collaborative skills?
- Describe how you have experienced using knowledges from previously read courses, what was challenging or valuable?
- Do you believe that you have developed/further developed abilities that you can bring in your studies and/or in your future professional life? Describe these and why you think you can benefit from them?

The reflective part can be included in the ongoing text where the other issues in the report are addressed.

The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular form of examination in order to provide a permanently disabled student with a form of examination equivalent to that of a student without a disability.


Admission requirements:

The number of participants is limited to: No

Contact and other information

Course coordinator: The head of department in question will appoint a lecturer at Lund University to supervisor and examiner. The supervisor and the examiner can be the same person. A PhD student is not accepted as an examiner.,
Course coordinator: Prefekten vid den berörda institutionen utser en lärare vid Lunds universitet till handledare och ansvarig examinator. Handledar- och examinatorrollen kan innehas av samma person. En doktorand kan inte vara examinator.,
Course homepage:
Further information: Before the start of the course, the supervisor at LTH must approve the aim, justification and description of work duties.

The workplace is to provide the name of the person who will supervise the student for the entire period. The supervisors are to set aside the time needed to support the student's work. The workplace should appoint an assistant supervisor, whom the student can turn to if the supervisor is not available. The teaching consists of a project conducted at the chosen workplace. The course comprises 400 hours, including 320 hours of internship.

For information on how to apply for the course, please visit the course homepage.

Language of instruction: The course will be taught in the language jointly agreed by the supervisor and student.

Registration is via the course code linked to the selected subject area,, not IYT000. The course is not appropriate for placements at a company where the student or a close family member are owners/co-owners. There is to be no conflict of interest regarding the placement supervisor at the company and the student.