Course syllabus

Grön ekonomi - att uppnå de globala målen
Greening the Economy - Achieving the Global Goals

SASI05, 7,5 credits, G1 (First Cycle)

Valid for: 2021/22
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering, LTH
Decided by: PLED W
Date of Decision: 2021-04-19

General Information

Main field: Enviromental Management and Policy. Depth of study relative to the degree requirements: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements.
Language of instruction: The course will be given in English


This course is a Special Area Studies course provided for exchange students, and regular students, within Lund University. Greening the Economy – Achieving the Global Goals is an interdisciplinary course that addresses sustainability, climate change and how to combine economic development with a healthy environment. The aim of the course is to allow students to explore greening the economy and the sustainable development goals on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation, and look at the relationships between these levels. Practical examples of the complexities and solutions across each level are discussed. A particular focus is placed on examples from Scandinavia, but the course also features examples from Europe and around the world, which taken together provides a practical starting point for learning about greening the economy and the relationship to the sustainable development goals.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

• Be able to describe the basic challenges involved in the implementation of greening the economy and gain an overview of the sustainable development goals.
• Be able to describe and contrast basic concepts, strategies and technologies that can enable greening the economy and achieving the sustainable development goals.
• Be able to analyze, evaluate and make critical judgements on various strategies and approaches towards greening the economy and the relationship to the sustainable development goals.


Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must


Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must

• Be able to reflect upon how individual choices, business strategies, sustainable cities and national policies can promote or hinder greening the economy and the relationship to the sustainable development goals.


The course is comprised of five modules,

Introduction to greening the economy and the sustainable development goals

Individual choices

Business strategies

Sustainable cities

National policies

The course involves lectures, seminars and assignments. Seminars are compulsory, and active participation required to pass the course.

Examination details

Grading scale: UV - (U,G,VG) - (Fail, Pass, Pass with Distinction)
Assessment: Active participation in seminars is mandatory. In order to pass the course, the student must also complete all course assignments. The final grade is based on the mark received on the written exam (50%), mark received for the course project report and presentation (30%) and participation in quizzes and peer feedback (20%).

The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular form of examination in order to provide a permanently disabled student with a form of examination equivalent to that of a student without a disability.


Admission requirements:

The number of participants is limited to: No
The course overlaps following course/s: SASI01

Reading list

Contact and other information

Course coordinator: Kes McCormick,
Course homepage: