Course syllabus
Energi, luft och fukt vid ombyggnad och förvaltning
Energy, Air Movements and Moisture at Rebuilding and Administration
VBFN05, 7,5 credits, A (Second Cycle)
Valid for: 2023/24
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering, LTH
Decided by: PLED V
Date of Decision: 2023-03-21
General Information
Elective for: V4-hb, V4-bf
Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish
To give the student advanced knowledge concerning energy,
moisture, quality and environmental issues and reliability in
existing buildings and building elements during management, and
design stage and production during rebuilding to get buildings
that in the long run are moisture sustainable, have low operational
costs, healthy indoor environment and meeet future climate
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
- Measure different indoor climate parameters, identify problems
from measurements and suggest measures including possible
- Perform energy analysis and suggest energy efficiency
- Review and identify substances in the building and in the
building services that are harmful to the environment.
- Interpret documents and drawings concerning building design and
building services and to identify possible deficiencies.
- Describe design of building- and service techniques in older
Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must
- Apply different measuring methods and estimate and evaluate
there reliability.
- Work out part of maintenance planes as a result of
measurements, inspections and examination of available documents
and suggest measures on how to improve the indoor environment.
- Ability to generalize and use acquired knowledge in other
- Calculate and estimate the influence from three-dimensional
thermal bridges.
- Show ability for teamwork and collaboration in groups.
Demonstrate the ability to orally and in writing in dialogue with
other groups present and discuss their results and
- Be able to calculate air flow and pressure distribution within
a building and through building components and its interaction with
the ventilation system and beable to understand consequences of air
Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must
- Estimate if different measurement methods are suitable and
- Have ability to identify the need for further knowledge to
develop his/her competence.
- Prepare documents for measures and control plans for moisture
protection and environmental management at all stages of the
construction process.
- Inform about new national and international regulations for the
building trade. Analyse and illustrate what consequences the new
regulations will lead to.
- Inform about different methods to analyse new and existing
settlements concerning building technique, indoor climate, moisture
safety and building services systems to give priority to different
housing improvement and energy saving measures.
- Follow-up of operational statistics of a buildings energy use
to obtain a rational use of energy.
- Analyse moisture safety, energy consumption and indoor
environment in buildings.
- Study building technique in older buildings.
- Inform about building services in older buildings.
- Learn to interpret old and new drawings from architects,
designers and heating, water and sanitation engineering.
- General environmental knowledge regarding environmentally
hazardous building and interior materials and methods for inventory
and handling..
- Information about mould and rot in buildings.
- Quality assurance systems in the building trade.
- Design and conversion of wet rooms.
- Energy systems, balancing and construction automation.
Examination details
Grading scale: TH - (U,3,4,5) - (Fail, Three, Four, Five)
Assessment: 80% attendance at the total number of lectures. Passed written examination. The written examination will also contain questions from the lectures. To pass the course the students also must fulfil and pass the project exercises, do laboratory work and computer exercise. The quality of the project exercises may influence the final grade.
The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular form of examination in order to provide a permanently disabled student with a form of examination equivalent to that of a student without a disability.
Code: 0114. Name: Energy, Air Movements and Moisture at Rebuilding .
Credits: 4. Grading scale: TH. Assessment: Written examination
Code: 0214. Name: Exercise.
Credits: 3,5. Grading scale: TH. Assessment: Written exercise
Admission requirements:
- VBFA01 Building Technology and Building Services
- VBMA30 Building Materials
Assumed prior knowledge: VBFF01 Energy Efficiency and Indoor Environment.
The number of participants is limited to: No
The course overlaps following course/s: VBF045
Reading list
- Reppen L, Kallstenius P, Björk C:: Så byggdes husen 1880-2000. , Arkitektur, konstruktion och material i våra flerbostadshus under 120 år. Liber 2003, ISBN: 91-540-5888-0.
- Pettersson, B, Dalenbäck, J-O: Åtgärder för ökad energieffektivisering i bebyggelsen. Chalmers Energicentrum 2005.
- Sundell, J, et al: Problem med inomhusklimatet. BFR A8:1997. Pdf-document on the website, (Extracts from).
- Presentationer och annat material från föreläsningar.
- Abel E, Elmroth A: Byggnaden som system. Studentlitteratur, 2016, ISBN: 978-91-44-11588-7.
- Sandin, K: Luftströmning. Kompendium. Lund 1990.
- Harderup och Nordquist: Räkneövningar i luftströmning.
- Dahlblom m.fl.: Installationsteknik för fastighetsmäklare-driftstatistik och graddagskorrigering. 2004. Pdf-document on the website (Extracts from).
- Föreläsarnas föreläsningsbilder.
Contact and other information
Course coordinator: Birgitta Nordquist,
Course coordinator: Petter Wallenten,
Course homepage: