Course syllabus
Trådlösa kanaler
Wireless Communication Channels
EITN85, 7,5 credits, A (Second Cycle)
Valid for: 2021/22
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering, LTH
Decided by: PLED E
Date of Decision: 2021-04-22
General Information
Main field: Communication Systems.
Compulsory for: MWIR1
Elective for: BME4, D4, E4-ks, MSOC2
Language of instruction: The course will be given in English
The aim is to give a comprehensive view of the properties of the
wireless channel. This includes an understanding of the underlying
physical propagation mechanisms, measurements of channel
properties, channel modeling methods, as well as a basic
understanding of how these things relate to ifferent aspects of a
wireless system.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
- have an understanding of the properties of the wireless channel
and its interaction with the system
- have a comprehension of the physical propagation mechanisms and
thereby being able to evaluate propagation conditions for a certain
- have a comprehension of measurements of radio channel
properties and methods for modelling these properties.
- have obtained a basic understanding of certain channel
properties that are of specific interest for next generation
wireless systems
Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must
- be able to analyse and describe the properties of the radio
channel and its interaction with the system, and from this be
capable to select appropriate system parameters
- be able to propose and evaluate methods for using the radio
channel in the most appropriate way.
- be able to write a scentific report about the channel
Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must
- have a comprehensive view of how the radio channel interacts
with other system blocks in a radio system
- feel confident in the ability to understand, analyse and
describe the properties of the radio channel in order to use it in
the most efficient manner.
The course connects different areas of knowledge within, e.g.,
radio, digital communication, probability theory, stochastic
processes, wave propagation and mathematics. The course covers the
following topics:
- Propagation Mechanisms - Free space propagation,
reflection and transmission, diffraction, scattering on rough
surfaces, wave guiding
- Statistical Description of Wireless Channels - The
time-invariant two-path model, time-variant two-path model,
small-scale fading without line-of-sight, small-scale fading with
line-of-sight, Doppler spectra, level crossing rate and random FM,
large-scale fading
- Wideband Channel Characterization - Narrowband vs.
wideband systems, system-theoretic description of propagation
channels, the WSSUS model, description methods for time dispersion,
description methods for angular dispersion
- Channel Models - Narrowband models, wideband models,
spatial models, deterministic models, models for ultra wideband
- Channel Sounding - Time-domain methods,
frequency-domain methods, generalizations, spatially resolved
- Antenna aspects in wireless systems - Requirements for
antennas in mobile radio, antennas for mobile stations, antennas
for base stations, aspects of multiple antenna systems.
- Wireless Channels and 5G - Channel characteristics
specific for 5G-systems: Millimeter-wave, Massive MIMO and
vehicular channels.
- Report writing - how do you author a scientific report
in the area.
Examination details
Grading scale: TH - (U,3,4,5) - (Fail, Three, Four, Five)
Assessment: Exam (oral or written, 5 hours) and approved assignment reports. The performance assessment is based on the exam, which might be oral or written. To pass the course the assignment reports also have to be approved. The three assignments are to be solved in pairs of two students as independent work. These assignments include planning of measurements, performing the measurements, analysing the data and writing a report. Submission of all assignments is a requirement for participation in the exam.
The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular form of examination in order to provide a permanently disabled student with a form of examination equivalent to that of a student without a disability.
Code: 0118. Name: Examination.
Credits: 5. Grading scale: TH. Assessment: Written or oral exam
Code: 0218. Name: Hand-in Assignments.
Credits: 2,5. Grading scale: UG. Assessment: Approved assignments
Assumed prior knowledge: ETT051/EITG05 Digital communications and ETIF05 Basic wireless communication technique or EITF50 An introduction to wireless systems.
The number of participants is limited to: No
The course overlaps following course/s: ETIN10, ETI085
Reading list
- Molisch, Andreas F: Wireless Communications, 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-470-74186-3.
Contact and other information
Course coordinator: Meifang Zhu,
Course homepage: