Valid for: 2020/21
Decided by: PLED C/D
Date of Decision: 2020-03-30
Main field: Technology.
Compulsory for: D2
Elective for: C4, E4
Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish
The aim with this course is to give knowledge about and practical experience on cooperation within a software development team.
Focus is on the method Extreme Programming, which uses a highly iterative work process.
The course covers principles for customer cooperation, planning, sustainable design and implementation, testing, and delivery of the product.
The course also gives additional training in object-oriented programming.
The course also covers an introduction to program development methodology in general and the terminology used.
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must
A concrete iterative software development method is used where the students are trained to work in a team. The method is based on Extreme Programming (XP), with practices like iterative planning, automated testing, test-driven development, pair programming, refactoring, and frequent releases.
Customer requirements are formulated and prioritized in cooperation with the students. This way, the students get an insight into the different roles in the work process, e.g., as customer, project leader, and developer, and insight into the needs of the customer and how they can be handled. The course gives practical experience from how a small project can be run and thereby a frame of reference for subsequent courses that treat methodology for software development in larger projects and organizations.
The course covers two study periods. During the first period a series of lectures are given, supported by lab sessions on specific topics like planning, testing, version control, and refactoring. During the second period, the students work in teams of around 10. Each team carries out a software development project structured as a sequence of iterations, each consisting of a planning meeting and a development session.
At the end of the course, the teams present their developed products.
Grading scale: UG - (U,G) - (Fail, Pass)
Assessment: To qualify for a passing grade the students must have completed the laboratory work, the planning meetings, the reflections, the development sessions and the presentation of the developed product. They must also pass a small written examination.
The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular form of examination in order to provide a permanently disabled student with a form of examination equivalent to that of a student without a disability.
Code: 0116. Name: Laboratory Work and Short Written Examination.
Credits: 2,5. Grading scale: UG. Assessment: Passed laboratory work. Passed short written examination.
Code: 0216. Name: Project.
Credits: 5. Grading scale: UG. Assessment: Passed all parts of the project.
The number of participants is limited to: 120
Selection: The course is open only to Swedish-speaking students due to the focus on collaboration. Admission guaranteed for students for whom the course is mandatory. Selection rules for the remaining places: Completed university credits within the programme. Priority is given to students enrolled on programmes that include the course in their curriculum.
The course overlaps following course/s: EDA321, EDA322, EDA260, ETSA03, EDAG05
Course coordinator: Ulf Asklund,
Course homepage: