Course syllabus
Offentlig byggnad - integrering av solenergi-, kostnads- och miljöaspekter
Public Building - Integrating Solar Energy, Costs and Environmental Issues
AEBN20, 15 credits, A (Second Cycle)
Valid for: 2020/21
Decided by: PLED V
Date of Decision: 2020-03-23
General Information
Main field: Energy-efficient and Environmental Buildings.
Compulsory for: MEMB2
Language of instruction: The course will be given in English
In this course, the students will explore innovative solar
energy systems and concepts (active and passive) and test, through
computer simulations and calculations, the integration of these
systems in a case study project (a public building). The course
will also allow analysing the potential of solar energy constraints
as a guide in development of configurations, technical solutions
and details. Furthermore, the students will study the production of
on-site energy and carry out life-cycle and costs analyses of the
chosen technology in the studied case. They will also learn to use
rules of thumb and tools (computer, hand calculations) for solar
design, life-cycle cost and environmental load predictions
(acquired in theoretical courses). Finally, they will deepen their
understanding and knowledge, and test their capacity to integrate
previously acquired concepts regarding building physics, energy
use, thermal comfort, moisture safety, ventilation and lighting,
using an integrated design process.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
- Show the ability to describe and discuss solar energy systems
and concepts, the main principles and strategies used today in
European buildings;
- Demonstrate an ease to discuss solar aspects of buildings in
relation to design configuration, morphology, siting, detailing,
integration, etc.;
- Be able to name and critically discuss some solar buildings
(examples showing solar integration) built in Europe or
- Demonstrate the ability to consider and describe the
possibilities and limitations of solar energy systems in the
Swedish context;
- Have knowledge of estimations of life cycle economics of
different active solar energy systems and configurations;
- Have the capacity to describe and discuss how different
parameters of the solar energy system influence the life cycle
costs and environmental impacts.
Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must
- Be able to select an adequate, wisely integrated solution
leading to cost-effective energy production, while demonstrating
that the other performances of the building (i.e. low energy use,
adequate thermal comfort, indoor air quality and visual comfort)
are maintained;
- Be able to develop and graphically present a solar energy
building concept suitable for the cold or temperate climatic
- Demonstrate skills to use tools, energy simulations or hand
calculations in a productive way as a support for analysing solar
energy effects of own propositions and guide design decisions;
- Show ease to communicate verbally and graphically solar
building concepts and systems, using the appropriate vocabulary and
fact-based arguments;
- Be able to predict life-cycle costs and environmental impact to
reach a certain goal for active solar energy systems in the studied
case and similar building with its envelope performance and normal
building services;
- Show ease to communicate verbally and graphically the life
cycle costs and the environmental impact.
Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must
- Show the capacity to critically analyse and discuss solar
solutions and systems in terms of efficiency, integration,
cost-effectiveness, life-cycle perspectives;
- Show literacy when presenting and discussing the qualities and
characteristics of solar building integration, including its life
cycle economics and environmental impact;
- Demonstrate an ability to formulate relevant challenges and
tasks in connection with solar design and development;
- Be able to discuss current technical and research trends as
well as challenges related to the integration and efficiency of
solar energy systems in buildings in the temperate and cold
climatic contexts.
This advanced PBL (project-based learning) course will focus on
the development of a large public building (e.g. library, school,
etc.) with a focus on the integration of passive and active solar
strategies, systems and components and the life-cycle perspective
through cost analyses and investigation of environmental impact.
Concepts related to the integration of solar components, the
estimation and utilization of solar radiation, the production of
electricity and heat using solar components, etc. are at the heart
of this course. This course will thus be strongly and rigorously
supported by the theoretical courses “Building integrated solar
energy systems” and “Life-cycle perspective and environmental
impact”. The theoretical courses will provide the scientific and
technical bases as well as tools (computer, hand calculations) for
validating the proposed solutions, using an integrated building
approach. This course will also allow deepening and testing the
integration of previously acquired knowledge about energy use,
thermal comfort, moisture safety, ventilation and
lighting/daylighting. An extensive report shall be delivered at the
end of the course. The results will be presented orally and
critically reviewed by other students.
Examination details
Grading scale: TH - (U,3,4,5) - (Fail, Three, Four, Five)
Assessment: Active participation and attendance at lectures, tutorials, group meetings, presentations etc is compulsory. The final grade is to 70% based on the written report, to 20% based on the oral presentation and to 10% on the opposition to other's work.
The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular form of examination in order to provide a permanently disabled student with a form of examination equivalent to that of a student without a disability.
Admission requirements:
- Submitted exercises in the courses AEBF20 Building integrated solar energy systems and ABKF15 Life-cycle perspective and environmental impact of buildings.
The number of participants is limited to: No
Reading list
- Course literature will be
available through an
electronic course library
via the course website.
- Lars Andrén: Solar installations, Practical applications for the built environment. James & James Science Publishers, 2003, ISBN: 978-1-902916-45-3.
- IEA Task 41: Solar Energy Systems in Architecture Integration Criteria and guidelines. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2012. The report can be downloaded at
- Åke Blomsterberg: Barriers to implementation of very low energy residential buildings and how to overcome them. Lund University, 2011.
- A general description of the calculation tools for Cost Benefit Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment of very low-energy houses. IVL, 2010.
- Identification of tools for cost-benefit and LCC analysis and success factors for very low-energy housing. 2010. IVL, 2010.
- Economic and environmental impact assessment of very low-energy house concepts in the North European countries. IVL, 2011.
Contact and other information
Course coordinator: Dennis Johansson,
Course coordinator: Henrik Davidsson,
Teacher: Ricardo Bernardo,
Teacher: Jouri Kanters,
Course homepage: