Kursplan för kalenderåret 2004
Business Intelligence and Security

Antal poäng: 5. Betygskala: UG. Valfri för: I4IE. Kursansvarig: Stein Kleppesto, Företagsekonomiska inst. Förkunskapskrav: MIO080, MIO022, MIO030, MIO071, MIO140. Prestationsbedömning: The course is based on lectures and discussions concerning the case studies. Grades will be based on participation in class discussions, a final case study and performance in a written exam. Övrigt: Kursen ges på engelska. Begränsat antal platser. Skriftlig tentamen.

The objectives are to provide the student with theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience regarding issues related to business intelligence. Topics that will be covered are general industry analysis, competitor analysis, corporate intelligence systems and issues related to knowledge transfer within an organisation.


Guest lecturers
Professional intelligence analysts will describe and discuss how they work with business intelligence in their companies.

Case studies
Students are required to conduct practical research and to solve intelligence related problems throughout the course.

Hussey & Jenster Competitor Intelligence, Wiley, 1999.
Reading package available at the School of Economics & Management, Lund Univ.