Course syllabus
Digitala system
Digital Systems
EDI610, 15 credits, G1 (First Cycle)
Valid for: 2016/17
Decided by: Education Board A
Date of Decision: 2016-04-05
General Information
Compulsory for: IDA1, IEA1
Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish
The aim of the course is to give the engineer fundamental
knowledge in digital technique and in computer
technique. The purpose is also to give practical
skills in structured methods of solving problems, of construction
and of seeking failure in equipments.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
- be able to explain Boolean algebra and binary arithmetic
- be able to describe the function of combinational networks and
of sequential networks
- be able to describe the principles of how a computer works
at register level
- be able to apply systematic methods of analysis and synthesis
of combinational and sequential networks.
Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must
- be able, by programming (in the language of VHDL and C),
to design a digital system consisting of programmable chips or
of embedded systems
- be able in writing, to document a construction made in VHDL
or in C
- have the fundamental knowledge to in the future, as an working
engineer, incorporate and learn new low level programming
- Logical algebra. Boolean algebra. Modulo-2 algebra
- Binary arithmetic. Number systems. Binary codes. 2-complement
and 10-complement
- Combinational networks. Simplification and application of
Boolean functions in a gate network. Karnaugh maps. Standard gate
networks for the application of Boolean functions
- Fundamental sequential networks. Counters, registers and shift
- Sequential networks. The concept of state. Sequential network
models, e.g. Mealy and Moore. Synchronized and non-synchronized
sequential networks. Latches and Flip-flops
- Hardware descriptive language VHDL. Introductory concepts in
VHDL. Description of a small combinational network in VHDL
- Semiconductor memory. Memory models. Classification of
semiconductor memories. Read-only memories. Address decoding.
Read/write memories, RWM, static and dynamic memories
- Digital/analoge – analoge/digital converter
- The computer model: the computer’s parts and functions. The
CPU at the register level
- Assembly programming
- Program development in C: editing, compilation, linking.
Testing with the aid of a high level debugger.
Laboratory exercise will provide in-depth training in
the subject and highlight the following:
The connection to those elements dealt with in digital
- Gates in MOS technology
- Hazard and critical race
- Programmable logical circuits. Classification of integrated
- Description of sequential and combinational networks in VHDL.
Structural description at block level
- Application of combinational and sequential networks in
programmable logical circuits
- Program development in C: problem structuring. Program
components. Programming technology for embedded systems.
- Parallel ports. Serial ports. A/D conversion. D/A
- Interrupt systems: periodical interrupts. Priority during
interrupts. Drive routines
- The computer as a system component: Interface technology.
Single board computers. Microcontrollers
- The development of computer technology: History. Developmental
Examination details
Grading scale: TH
Assessment: Written examination. To qualify for the laboratory work II, students must have completed the laboratory work I. Preparatory seminars to laboratories are compulsory.
Code: 0112. Name: Digital Systems.
Credits: 4,5. Grading scale: UG. Assessment: Passed written examination. Contents: Digital Systems, basic theory.
Code: 0212. Name: Laboratory Work I.
Credits: 3. Grading scale: UG. Assessment: Passed laboratory experiments and laboratory experiment report. Contents: Laboratory experiments part 1.
Code: 0312. Name: Laboratory Work II.
Credits: 7,5. Grading scale: UG. Assessment: Passed laboratory experiments and laboratory experiment report. Contents: Laboratory experiments part 2.
The number of participants is limited to: No
The course overlaps following course/s: EDI601, EDT603
Reading list
- Hemert, L-H: Digitala kretsar. Studentlitteratur, 2001, ISBN: 9789144019185.
- Foyer, P: Mikroprocessorteknik. Studentlitteratur, 2005, ISBN: 9789144038766.
- Technical manuals.
- Laboratory material will be handed out as the course progresses.
- Bilting & Skansholm: Vägen till C. Studentlitteratur, 2000, ISBN: 9789144014685. Recommended literature, non obligatory.
Contact and other information
Course coordinator: Erik Larsson,
Course coordinator: Bertil Lindvall,
Course homepage: