Course syllabus
VTGF05, 6 credits, G2 (First Cycle)
Valid for: 2016/17
Decided by: Education Board D
Date of Decision: 2016-04-08
General Information
Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish
The aim is to present basic environmental knowledge concerning
geological and geotechnical conditions and thus an understanding of
how both natural processes and human activities are risks in
todays society. Special focus is made on Swedish conditions where
groundwater protection and landslide processes are treated.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
- be familiar with basics of geology and especially geology of
- concerning soils, rocks, groundwater, surface water and
- be able to understand the relationship between contamination of
soils, rocks and groundwater to different contaminant sources and
structural geological situations.
- be able to understand basics of soil mechanics and especially
slope stability.
Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must
- be able to interpret a geological map and construct a principal
section - a type section - and thus describe a rock mass in three
- be able to analyse a principal section - a type section - to
estimate the need of groundwater protection and slope
- be able to identify the most common geological soil
- be able to assess transport patterns and to calculate transport
times of contaminants in ground and groundwater.
Minerals. Rocks. Soils - genesis and general properties. Glacial
geology and quaternary geology of Sweden. Natural disasters and
geological disasters. Earthquakes and volcanoes.
Groundwater - aquifers, flow, quality and vulnerability.
Transport of pollutants in soils, rocks and groundwater.
Groundwater protection.
Basic soil mechanics. Soil strength and bearing capacity. Slope
stabilty. Monitoring of slope stability. Dams and dam failure. Soil
mechanical aspects of floodings.
Engineering geological excursion in southwest Scania,
Examination details
Grading scale: TH
Assessment: Written examination and compulsory geological excursion.
The number of participants is limited to: No
The course overlaps following course/s: VTGA05, VTGA01
Reading list
- Conny Svensson: Kompendium i Teknisk Geologi AK. Tryckt av KFS, 2012. Compendium in Swedish only.
- Gerhard Barmen och Conny Svensson: Föreläsningar i grundvattenskydd. Distribueras av institutionen, 2013. Available only in Swedish.
- Conny Svensson: Conny Svensson Ingenjörsgeologiska exkursion. 1996. As a supplement to the course literature, the internet document "Conny Svenssons Ingenjörsgeologiska exkursion" is available at
- Nils Rydén: Föreläsningar kring släntstabilitet. Distribueras via institutionen, 2013. Available only in Swedish.
Contact and other information
Course coordinator: Universitetslektor Gerhard Barmen,
Further information: In the time plan below excursion hours have been presented as laboratory hours (L).