Course syllabus

Linjär och kombinatorisk optimering
Linear and Combinatorial Optimization

FMA240, 6 credits, G2 (First Cycle)

Valid for: 2016/17
Decided by: Education Board B
Date of Decision: 2016-03-29

General Information

Main field: Technology.
Elective for: BME4, D4-pv, E4, F4-pv, F4-bs, F4-bg, Pi3-pv, Pi4-bg
Language of instruction: The course will be given in English on demand


In science, technology and economics, linear and combinatorial optimization problems appear more and more often. The most well known example is linear programming, where the so called simplex method has been of utmost importance in industry since it was invented in the middle of the 20th century. Other important problems, e.g. for effective data processing, contain discrete variables, for example integers. In connection with this, the importance of combinatorial methods has grown. The aim of the course is to make the students aware of problems in linear and combinatorial optimization which are important in the applications, and to give them knowledge about mathematical methods for their solution. The aim is also to make the students develop their ability to solve problems, with and without the use of a computer.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must



Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must




Linear programming. Integer programming. Transport problems. Assignment problems. Maximal flow. Local search. Simulated annealing. Genetic optimization. Neural networks. Dynamic programming. Algorithm complexity.

Examination details

Grading scale: TH
Assessment: Written and/or oral test, to be decided by the examiner. Computer sessions. Some minor projects should be completed before the exam.

Code: 0103. Name: Examination.
Credits: 6. Grading scale: TH.
Code: 0203. Name: Computer Exercises.
Credits: 0. Grading scale: UG.


Required prior knowledge: FMA420 Linear Algebra.
The number of participants is limited to: No

Reading list

Contact and other information

Course coordinator: Studierektor Anders Holst,
Teacher: Sara Maad Sasane,
Course homepage: