Valid for: 2016/17
Decided by: Education Board A
Date of Decision: 2016-04-05
Elective for: D4-dpd, F4, F4-hn, MSOC1, N4-hn
Language of instruction: The course will be given in English on demand
This course aims at providing basic knowledge in modern device physcis and analogue electronics. In particular the course aims at enabling further studies related to analogue IC, high-speed devices and nanoelectronics. The main theme in the course is the MOS transistor which is the main device used in commercial applications. The course discusses the basic operation of the MOS strucutre, its transistor architecture as well as the intration of the transistor in basic amplifier stages. The frequency dependent properties will be discussed in detail. Examples will be provided from current research.
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must
Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must
understand why different transistor technologies are used for various applications
Semiconductors, charge carriers and transport. Pn-junction. Bipolar transistors in larg- and small signal models. MOS transistors in large- and small signal models. Single stage amplifiers, feed-back amplifiers, and OP-amplifiers. Basic noise properties and biasing. Frequency response and bandwidth. Stability and differential inputs.
Grading scale: TH
Assessment: Written exam
Passed laboratory excercises
Required prior knowledge: FFFF01 Electronic Materials or FFFF05 Solid state physics
The number of participants is limited to: No
The course overlaps following course/s: ETI290
Course coordinator: Lars-Erik Wernersson,
Course coordinator: Johannes Svensson,
Course homepage:
Further information: With less than 16 participants, the course may be given with reduced teaching and more self studies.