Valid for: 2016/17
Decided by: Education Board A
Date of Decision: 2016-04-05
Elective for: E4-em, F4, F4-es, M4, W5-es
Language of instruction: The course will be given in English on demand
The course is aiming at giving the student basic knowledge in wind power and its use in society. It also aims at identifying and explaining wind power technology, -systems and integration to the power system in an engineering context. The course has great relevance to the sustainable development of the energy system where wind power now is the most expansive renewable energy source with a global yearly rate of expansion of 30%.
The need for electric energy is constantly growing at the same time as the demands for sustainable electric power production is increasing. The development of environmentally friendly alternatives is increasing gradually because of the raised national goals on renewable electric power production. In Sweden, the electric certificate system is the driving force for renewable electric power production with 17 TWh up to 2016 compared to 2002, out of which wind power is calculated to be 10 TWh. Moreover, the Swedish Energy Agency has proposed a new goal for wind power of 30 TWh per year until 2020. As the renewable energy part is increasing, the demands on the power system are raised, due to the reduced control margins. To keep the high standard of reliability, the demands on the wind power systems will also increase.
In the course, the situation and possibilities for wind power to contribute to energy support in Sweden and globally are penetrated. We study among other things the wind as a resource of energy, the production and construction of the plants, and environmental issues.
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must
be able to
Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must
Assignments, project and laboration.
Study visit at a wind power plant.
Grading scale: TH
Assessment: To pass the course, one laboration with preparations, four assignments and a project task together with a written exam are necessary. The written exam is problem solving mixed with theory questions.
Code: 0111. Name: Wind Power Systems.
Credits: 7,5. Grading scale: TH.
Code: 0211. Name: Laborations and Project.
Credits: 0. Grading scale: UG.
Required prior knowledge: ESSF15 Electrical Engineering or MIE012 Electrical Engineering, basic course, or ETE115 Electromagnetics and electronics.
The number of participants is limited to: 70
Selection: Credits awarded or credited within the study programme. Priority is given to students in a program that has the course in one of its specializations.
Course coordinator: Dr Jörgen Svensson,
Course homepage: