Course syllabus

Kandidatarbete i arkitektur
Bachelor Project in Architecture

AAHL05, 18 credits, G2 (First Cycle)

Valid for: 2016/17
Decided by: The Faculty Board
Date of Decision: 2010-06-07

General Information

Main field: Architecture. Depth of study relative to the degree requirements: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements, contains degree project for Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science.
Elective for: A3


The aim of the degree project is for the student to develop and demonstrate the requisite knowledge and skills to independently apply knowledge acquired within the programme and utilise this for a degree project in architecture.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must


The degree project comprises:

Instructions for the procedures at the seminar are available and are published on the website of the programme of study.

The degree project is an independent project. It is to be executed individually or in groups of two. If the degree project is carried out as a group, the contribution of each student must be clearly discernible.

The report is presented at a public seminar determined by the programme management. The seminar can be timetabled for a day that is not within semester periods if there are valid reasons.

Examination details

Grading scale: UG
Assessment: Written and oral examination. The student must pass all parts of the degree project as specified in Content below for the degree project as a whole to pass. The degree project report is a public document and no part may be classified information The examiner may not take into account any advance information when assessing the report.


Admission requirements:

Reading list

Contact and other information

Examiner: The Head of Department appoints one or more lecturers at Lund University to act as examiner(s). This means that all degree projects, including those written by outgoing exchange students, will be examined at Lund University. The examiner decides on the grade to be awarded, having consulted a joint assessment group appointed by the Programmes Board.
Further information: Students register for one of the alternative compulsory courses (studios) that complete the third year of the programme. Students who intend to acquire a degree of Bachelor must prior to the start of the course apply for admission to the course Degree Project for a Bachelor of Science in Architecture on a special form. Prior to registering on the course, students must have fulfilled all the admission requirements. The course is coordinated with the selected studio. A copy of the final report of the degree project is filed in the departmental archives.