Course syllabus

Groundwater Engineering

VTG021, 7,5 credits, G2 (First Cycle)

Valid for: 2015/16
Decided by: Education Board D
Date of Decision: 2015-04-16

General Information

Main field: Water Resources Engineering.
Compulsory for: MWLU1
Elective for: V4-vr, V4-at, W4-vr
Language of instruction: The course will be given in English


The aim of the course is to deepen the student's knowledge and to a certain extent also skills within the field of hydrogeology as a tool to manage and solve problems concerning civil and foundation engineering, water supply, waste treatment and urban/rural planning and construction in a way, which takes into account the needs of the inhabitants and the general goals for development of a sustainable society.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must


Hydrogeology. Groundwater occurrence, behaviour and flow in various kinds of aquifers. Soil water and soil water movement. The influence of geology on the aquifer properties. Fluctuations in groundwater level on various time-scales and in various formations. Groundwater flow and properties governing the flow characteristics. Temperature and age of groundwater. Groundwater quality and quality characteristics. Groundwater sampling, water analyses, chemical composition, equilibrium and chemical processes. Contamination processes and contaminant transport. External additions including acidification. Drilling and well technology. Hydraulic properties of aquifers and wells including storativity and transmissivity. Groundwater withdrawal and test pumpings. Analysis of data from aquifer tests by analytical and graphical methods as well as computer software. Hydraulic and hydrogeological boundaries.

General descriptions of different sources of pollutants. Description and calculation of leaching of contaminants. Two computer software exercises, four exercises based on geological and hydrogeological maps and one field demonstration of hydraulic tests.

Examination details

Grading scale: TH
Assessment: Written examination. The performance on the written examination forms the basis for the final mark of the course.


Admission requirements:

Required prior knowledge: FMI031 Environmental Science, Especially Environmental Chemistry and FMAA05 Calculus on One Dimension.
The number of participants is limited to: No

Reading list

Contact and other information

Course coordinator: Universitetslektor Gerhard Barmen,
Course coordinator: Universitetsadjunkt Conny Svensson,
Course homepage:
Further information: The course is given in English.