Course syllabus

Masterexamensarbete i energi- och miljöeffektiva byggnader
Degree Project in Energy-efficient and Environmental Buildings

AEBM01, 30 credits, A (Second Cycle)

Valid for: 2015/16
Decided by: The Faculty Board
Date of Decision: 2015-04-07

General Information

Main field: Energy-efficient and Environmental Buildings. Depth of study relative to the degree requirements: Second cycle, contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (120 credits).
Elective for: MEMB2


The aim of the degree project is for the student to develop and demonstrate the requisite knowledge to work independently in the main field of the Master's programme.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a Pass on the degree project, the student shall

Competences and skills
For a Pass on the degree project, the student shall

Judgement and approach
For a Pass on the degree project, the student shall


The degree project is an independent project. It is to be executed individually or in pairs.

The degree project is to include the following assessed components:

The document describing the goals of the degree project is to be written at an early stage and must be approved by all supervisors and the examiner. It is to include a description of the problem to solve, the disciplinary foundation and proven experience on which the project is to be based, the main sources of information, and the project's expected contribution to the advancement of knowledge. The document is also to include a general description of the approach, choice of method, resource requirements and time needed. The contents of the document are to be gradually integrated in the written report.

The written report is to describe the degree project and its findings. If two students have collaborated on the project, the contribution of each student must be clearly discernible. The popular science summary is to be written in accordance with the general LTH guidelines.

The written report is to be made available in a form suitable for review at least one week before the seminar, which is to be timetabled at some point between 15 August and the Monday of Midsummer week with the exception of the period 22 December − 6 January.

The oral critical review is to be based on a fellow student's written report when it is presented at a public seminar. The review is to be documented in writing before the seminar. One degree project can be reviewed by more than one student.

Examination details

Grading scale: Fail (U) or Pass (G)
Assessment: Written and oral examination. The assessed components are to demonstrate that the student has attained the learning outcomes. For a pass on the degree project, the student must have passed all assessed components within 12 months, unless there are valid reasons. The report is a public document. The assessment may not be based on classified information.


Admission requirements:

Exemptions from these requirements can only be granted by the Programmes Board and then only in exceptional circumstances.

Reading list

Contact and other information

Examiner: The examiner must be a member of academic staff at Lund University who holds a PhD, and be appointed by the head of department.
Further information: One or several supervisors shall be appointed for each degree project. At least one of the supervisors (the principal supervisor) must be an employee of Lund University and hold at least a degree of licentiate or the equivalent. In addition to the principal supervisor, assistant supervisors may be appointed. The supervisors will provide continuous supervision throughout the work on the project and are to ensure that, among other things, it is possible for the student to complete the project within a period of 20 weeks of full-time study. The student can only request supervision for a period of no more than 12 months.

Notification of the degree project is to be made to Utbildningsservice before work on the project commences. Utbildningsservice will check that the student satisfies the requirements to commence work on the degree project. When the document describing the goals of the project is written and approved, the examiner is to check whether the student has sufficient knowledge of the topic.

The student is responsible for registering his or her passed degree project in LUP Student Papers. The degree project is then approved in LUP by the department. The department is responsible for filing the report.

More information on degree project support is available at (Swedish) or (English)