Valid for: 2014/15
Decided by: Education Board B
Date of Decision: 2014-04-08
Main field: Technology.
Compulsory for: I1
Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish
The student should develop an understanding for basic concepts and relations in Physics, which are of importance for the conception the world around us and for the technological development, and which constitute a part of the scientific basis for a Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Management. The student should be provided with means to comprehend the most important physical concepts, the empirical laws, as well as theories of particular importance for a sustainable societal development regarding energy production and environmental impact. The student should practice problem solving, perform experimental work and train thinking in scientific models.
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must
Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must
Basic physics. Problem solving: Models, techniques for problem solving, interaction between models and experiments. Measurements, experiments, analysis, presentation of experimental data. Energy: conservation, transport, quality, resources, distribution, environmental impact. Gases: concentration, mixing ratio, pressure, transport. The laws of thermodynamics: temperature, heat, thermal energy, heat engines. Electromagnetic radiation: thermal radiation, energy balance, interaction of light with matter, absorption and elastic scattering, atoms, molecules. Ionizing radiation: activity, decay, absorbed dose, dose equivalent. Applications.
Grading scale: TH
Assessment: Written exam, written assignments and laboratory sessions.
Code: 0113. Name: Energy and Environmental Physics.
Credits: 7. Grading scale: TH. Assessment: Written exam. Further information: Access to internet and MatLab.
Code: 0213. Name: Laboratory Sessions and Written Assignments.
Credits: 2. Grading scale: UG. Assessment: Passed laboratory sessions and written assignments. Contents: Laboratory sessions and written assignments.
Required prior knowledge: FMAA05 Calculus in One Variable, part 1 or similar.
The number of participants is limited to: No
The course overlaps following course/s: FAF107, FAFA20, FAF220, FAFA05, FAFA20, FAFA30, FAFA35, FAFA45, FAFF25
Course coordinator: Kristina Eriksson Stenström,
Course coordinator: Nina Reistad,
Course homepage: