Course syllabus

Arbetsplatsförlagd arkitektutbildning
Architectural Education at Workplace

AAH150, 30 credits, G2 (First Cycle)

Valid for: 2014/15
Decided by: Education Board D
Date of Decision: 2014-04-03

General Information

Elective for: A4
Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish


The work experience is to provide the student a basic understanding of the requirements and possibilities of architecture within the branch of architecture which the organisation selected represents. The student is to be given the opportunity to gain insight into how actual problems and tasks with which an architect is confronted can be dealt with in a professional way and into the knowledge this requires.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

after completed course individually and independently with support by an extern tutor be able to:

Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must

after completed course individually and independently with support by an extern tutor be able to:

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must

after completed course individually and independently with support by an extern tutor be able to:


The course consists of the following two parts:

Workplace training part, 24 credit points
The student is to be given the opportunity to gain insight into how actual problems and tasks with which an architect is confronted can be dealt with in a professional way and into the knowledge this requires. The course involves close contact with an organization engaged in architectural work and the student's taking part actively in as many aspects of the day-to-day work there as possible. This external organization is to provide the student an advisor available throughout the period in question. The advisor is to invest the time needed to support the student's work.
Requirements for credit: 16 weeks of full-time work at the external organization.

Theoretical reflections/paper and seminar, 6 credit points
This second part of the course involves the student's writing a critical and theoretically oriented paper based on the experience gained and the observations made during the practical work carried out. The paper can be written as a report dealing with the architectural profession generally, the on-the-job experience amassed and critical reflections concerning the project.

Examination details

Grading scale: UG
Assessment: Education is training work at a workplace. A paper shall be written independently after the practice is finished. To pass the practicing part of the course the student shall be working minimum 16 weeks. The supervisor shall confirm time, active participation and eventual illness. To pass the theoretical part the student must write a theoretical/reflecting paper, which is to be presented at a seminar hold by the course coordinator three times per year. The paper shall be sent to the course coordinator latest one week in advance. Presence and active participation at seminar is requested. Before the seminar the participants shall read each others papers. Grade: In the course is given the grades Passed or Not Passed. In order to get the grade the above mentioned assessments must be fulfilled.

Code: 0109. Name: Workplace Training Part.
Credits: 24. Grading scale: UG. Assessment: Practical work experience under supervision at selected work place during at least 16 weeks. The supervisor shall after fulfilled work period confirm presence and active participation at the work place during the period. In case of illness the coordinator shall be informed in order to decide if the period of absence is reasonable in relation to the length of the work period or not. Contents: The student is to be given the opportunity to gain insight into how actual problems and tasks with which an architect is confronted can be dealt with in a professional way and into the knowledge this requires. The course involves close contact with an organization engaged in architectural work and the student's taking part actively in as many aspects of the day-to-day work there as possible. This external organization is to provide the student an advisor available throughout the period in question. The advisor is to invest the time needed to support the student's work.
Code: 0209. Name: Theoretical Reflections; Paper and Seminar.
Credits: 6. Grading scale: UG. Assessment: To pass the theoretical part the student must write a theoretical/reflecting paper, which is to be presented at a seminar hold by the course coordinator about 3 times per year. Special rules for the paper are presented on the LTH website. The paper shall be sent to the coordinator latest one week before the seminar. Presence and active participation at the seminar is required. Before the seminar the participators of the course shall read the other’s paper to prepare for a relevant discussion. Contents: This second part of the course involves the student's writing a critical and theoretically oriented paper based on the experience gained and the observations made during the practical work carried out. The paper can be written as a report dealing with the architectural profession generally, the on-the-job experience amassed and critical reflections concerning the project.


Admission requirements:

The number of participants is limited to: No

Reading list

Contact and other information

Course coordinator: docent Tomas Tägil,
Further information: Specific rules for the course are decided by the Education Board and can be found on the homepage. The course may be started at any date.