Valid for: 2013/14
Decided by: Education Board E
Date of Decision: 2013-04-17
Main field: Industrial Design.
Compulsory for: KID2
Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish
The course provides the student with tools to facilitate communication and collaboration with different categories of members in a product development team such as mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, marketing specialists, manufacturing experts etc. The course provides basic knowledge of strategies, terminology and methods utilized in product development and how advanced techniques are utilized in creating rapid prototyping. The course should also provide basic understanding in the form of procedures, methods and techniques utilized in systematic development work.
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
given the mission project statement, structure, plan and carry through the conceptual development phase within the product development process.
have obtained such insights into methods and techniques utilized within rapid prototyping, that the participant in the course independently is able to apply these within the type of development /design projects outlined above.
be able to communicate the results from a development / design project to representatives of an industrial company orally and in writing.
Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must
for an industrial enterprise, and in the form of a team work, be able to carry through that part of the product development project focusing on the conceptual development phase.
have obtained such insights into methods, techniques and terminology, that the student is able to communicate his/her results.
The course objective is set on product development, with focus on the conceptual development phase. After introducing the theory on product development, a product development project is carried out. Focus in this project is set on the conceptual development phase. Rapid prototyping is also to be theoretically as well as practically utilized in the course. The literature is in English and international research papers often refer to this literature.
Grading scale: TH
Assessment: The course includes one compulsory project and one compulsory rapid prototyping task. The project is carried out in groups of 3-5 students and all group members receive the same grade, which will be the rating of the course. The task is performed individually and the student must pass the task to earn the grade in the course.
The number of participants is limited to: No
Course coordinator: Universitetsadjunkt Per-Erik Andersson,
Course homepage: