Syllabus academic year 2011/2012
(Created 2011-09-01.)
Credits: 7,5. Grading scale: UG. Cycle: G2 (First Cycle). Main field: Technology. Language of instruction: The course will be given in English. Alternative for: MBIO1. Optional for: B4pt, MLIV1, W4p. Course coordinator: Docent Lovisa Björnsson, and Tekn Dr Marika Murto,, Biotechnology. The course might be cancelled if the number of applicants is less than 6. The number of participants is limited to 27 Selection criteria: Credits remaining for the degree. Assessment: Passed written exam and passed written project report. Parts: 2. Home page:

This course gives an overview of how biotechnical tools can be applied in remediation of polluted soil/water, in waste handling and in pollution prevention. The aim is to give the student an understanding of the combined practical and cellular/molecular aspects of these processes.

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Understand the different biotechnical methods that are presented during the course. These should be described both on a theoretical and practical level, with understanding for the drawbacks and advantages of the methods. Calculations and design for environmental biotechnology processes like e.g. waste water treatment processes is also part of the knowledge and understanding that is assessed, both practically and theoretically.

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must

The course deals with practical and theoretical aspects on dealing with pollutants in soil and water. Also the possibilities with biotechnology in the process of replacing materials of fossil origin with renewables are discussed. The lecture part of the course includes the following topics.

Examples are given both from the research projects at department of Biotechnology, and presented by lecturers from commercial environmental biotechnology companies in the region. Commercial research and full scale applications are presented through site visits.

Compendium and handouts distributed during the course


Code: 0109. Name: Environmental Biotechnology.
Higher education credits: 4,5. Grading scale: UG. Assessment: Written exam.

Code: 0209. Name: Laboratory Work.
Higher education credits: 3. Grading scale: UG. Assessment: Approved written report.