Syllabus academic year 2011/2012
(Created 2011-09-01.)
Credits: 6. Grading scale: TH. Cycle: G2 (First Cycle). Main field: Technology. Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish. FRT110 overlaps following cours/es: FRT010 and FRT081. Compulsory for: W3. Course coordinator: Dr. Anton Cervin, and Professor Karl-Erik Årzén,, Automatic Control. Recommended prerequisits: FMA430 Calculus in Several Variables, FAFA20 Energy and Environmental Physics, Matlab. Assessment: Written exam (5 hours), hand-in problems, laboratory exercises. Home page:

The aim of the course is to give an overview of systems engineering, in particular control engineering, and its concepts, methods, and application areas. The course also develops the skills in using computer-based analysis and simulation tools.

Control plays a major role in most parts of our society. In earlier courses the students have learnt how to model and understand system behaviour. The aim of this course is to learn the students how to make a system operate more reliable, in a more environment-friendly way, with better precision, or in a more economical way, in spite of external disturbances acting on the system. The word system has a very general interpretation. It can, for example, be an atomic energy microscope or a waste water treatment plant.. The course teaches a systems-oriented way of thinking which the students can make use of in their future careers, independent of the actual application area.

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must

The course gives insight in the use of systems engineerings-based analysis methods and dynamical models for feedback systems. It also provides tools for the design of simple controllers.

Important areas are mathemical models of simple control loops and analysis of their dynamics. Computer tools are used for analysis, synthesis, and implementation.

The course contains computer-based exercises and laboratory experiments on real model processes.

Course modules: Introduction, Modelling, Dynamical systems, Feedback, PID design, Controller structures, Frequency domain analysis

B Wittenmark, K.J. Åström, S.B. Jörgensen, "Process Control", KF-Sigma