The aim is to give students common knowledge in three areas of Surveying, Soil mechanics and Highway Engineering
After accomplished course the students have learned the basics for analysis and solving problems in some important areas of civil engineering.
Further the aim is to supply understanding both for the subject specific areas and common points within an infrastructure example called Road Road.
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
Describe the function and structure of flexible and stiff pavements with different ground and terrain conditions
To have knowledge about different measurements methods with maintenance of the infrastructures
To calculate the costs of parts of an infrastructure
Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must
Evaluate different soils and terrain conditions and design a road with plan, profile and normal sections according to Swedish standards
Produce a recipe for production of standard asphalt concrete and evaluate its properties according to specifications
Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must
Planning and geometrical design
Basic knowledge about roads and their technical life, relation between planning, geomtrical design, construction and maintenance of the rural roads. A general presentation of railroad is introduced in the course. Introduction to map technique, reference system and transformations for infrastructure building. Solis build up and material properties. Soil pressure. Classical soil pressure theory and soil pressure against flexible sponts and supporting walls. Field- and laboratorymethods for determination of soil material properties. Photogrammetry concepts, definitions an applications and relationship to terrain models. Understanding of how the geometrical design is influenced by traffic and topographical assumptions and to map out how the chosen alignment influences the road in the terrain. Fault theory with equalization calculation according to least square method, fault propagation and introduction to building measurements fault and tolerance theory.
Basic classical sureying calculations in plane och high. Concepts med methods in satellite positioning (GPS) and applications in machinery contril. Properties of different unbound and bund material and how chosen pavement design method affects the thickness of the road construction. Stresses and strains in soil. Inner and outer stress condition. Settlements. Definition of different deformations modules. Elastically-, consolidation- and secondary settlements.
To describe how the road maintenance ifs financed and organized with new investments and maintenance. Sustainable alternatives for construction, maintenances of roads.
Engineers skill in presention and CAD
Charles D. Ghilani and Paul R Wolf: Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to Geomatics, Pearson Education, 12th Edition 2008, ISBN13: 9780132083072
ISBN10: 0132083078
Ollvik, L: Exempelsamling i geodetisk mätningsteknik, LTH 2010
Kompendium i vägbyggnad, LTH 2010
Axelsson, Kennet: Introduktion till geotekniken, jämte byggnadsgeologin, jordmateriallära och jordmekaniken, Uppsala univ., Inst. för geovetenskaper, Byggteknik, 2006
Övnings-, laborations- och fälthandledningar samt formelsamling
Code: 0109.
Name: Infrastructure Design.
Higher education credits: 10.
Grading scale: TH.
Assessment: Written examination.
Contents: The exam consists of 24 points theory problems and 36 arithmetical problems.
Code: 0209.
Name: Project Work.
Higher education credits: 5.
Grading scale: TH.
Assessment: Project work.
Contents: The project consists different moments from Highway Engineering, Geodetic Surveying and Soli Mechanics and Foundation Engineering.