Syllabus academic year 2010/2011
(Created 2010-07-25.)
Credits: 10. Grading scale: TH. Cycle: A (Second Cycle). Main field: Technology. Language of instruction: The course will be given in English on demand. FRTN01 overlaps following cours/es: FRT031. Optional for: C4, C4ssr, D4, D4is, D4pv, D4ssr, E4, E4pv, E4ra, E4ssr, F4, F4ssr, I4, M4fo, M4me, Pi4. Course coordinator: Professor Karl-Erik Årzen,, Dept of Automatic Control. Recommended prerequisits: Basic course in programming and FRT010 Automatic Control, Basic Course. The course might be cancelled if the number of applicants is less than 15. Assessment: Written exam (5 hours), three laboratory exercises, project. In the case of less than 5 registred students the second and third exams may be given in oral form. Home page:

The aim of the course is that the student should learn how to design and implement computer-based control systems.

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must

A real-time system is characterized by the fact that it is not only the result of the calculation that matters, but also when the result is produced. Computers that are used for feedback control are good examples of real-time systems, since they must operate periodically in a time-scale that is dependent on the dynamics of the controlled process, while at the same time they must be able to respond to external events, often within a given time interval. Two types of examples are industrial control systems used in, e.g., process automation, and embedded control systems for, e.g. avionics, autonomous vehicles and robotics. The aim of the course is to study methods for design and implementation of real-time systems for control applications. The implementation part of the course is performed as a project.

Introduction, Real-time programming, Synchronization and mutual exclusion, Real-time kernels and operating systems, Periodic controller tasks, Computer implementation of control algorithms, Discretization of continuous-time controllers, Sampling of continuous-time systems, Input-output models of discrete-time systems, Sequence control using Grafcet, Scheduling theory, Integrated Control and Scheduling, Implementation aspects, Control over networks

Årzén K-E: Real-Time Control Systems (latest edition) och Wittenmark, B, K.J. Åström och K.-E- Årzén: Computer Control: An Overview" (latest edition). Provided by the department + additional material.