Syllabus academic year 2010/2011
(Created 2010-07-25.)
Credits: 6. Grading scale: UG. Cycle: A (Second Cycle). Main field: Architecture. Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish. Optional for: A4. Course coordinator: Univ.lecturer Mats Hultman,, Architecture and Built Environment. Prerequisites: Student must have completed Theory of Architecture A and B year 1 and 2 or equivalent. The course might be cancelled if the number of applicants is less than 10. The number of participants is limited to 20 Assessment: To pass the course the student must deliver an approved written assignment, actively participate in the seminars, and have attended a minimum of eighty per cent of all lectures and seminars. Home page:

The aim of the course is to increase the participantsÂ’ capacity to critically reflect on architectural issues. This is accomplished through a written assignment, defined and written by the student in the field of architectural and urban theory. The aim of the course is also to develop the ability for argumentation and to discuss and complete a minor research project. The course is intended to be a prepatory course for research, or for students who wants to get a chance to prepare for and deepen the written part of their final exam work.

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must

The course contains basic orientation in theory of science, research methods and writing, and is intended to train the ability of the student to carry out a work of architectural theory on their own. Each paricipant choses a problem, a theory or a theorist in a individual deep study that will result in a paper/report. The students are trained in the abilites of discussing issues of theories, research, methods and writing, both individuallly and in groups. This is done by the means of lectures, seminars, individual tutoring and group discussions during the ongoing work of the student. The course will enable student to deepen the knowledges and abilities in the field of architectural theory that has been assimilated during their former years of architectual education.

is chosen individually together with the supervisor.