Syllabus academic year 2009/2010
(Created 2009-08-11.)

Higher education credits: 7,5. Grading scale: TH. Level: G1 (First level). Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish. GEMA01 overlap following cours/es: TNX031, TNX031, TNX031 och TNX031. Optional for: A3, B4, BI3, C4, D4, E4, F3, I4, K4, KID2, L4, M4, MD4, N2, Pi4, RH4, V4, W3. Course coordinator: Jonas Granfeldt,, Franska. The number of participants is limited to 20 Selection criteria: Credits remaining for the degree. Assessment: 1 written grammar test (1,5 p), 1 written literature test (1,5 p), 1 written culture and society test (1,5 p). The literature and the culture tests are given on the same occasion. 1oral test (3 p). Parts: 4. Further information: The course is designed for students at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. There are a limited number of places which means that particular criteria apply for admission and selection. Teaching language: French. Home page:


Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

Module 1

Widened knowledge of spoken and written French, of listening and reading comprehension. The communicative ability is given a particular weight.

Module 2

French culture and society. This module includes a widened knowledge of

Hansén, I & Schwartz, B.: Gleerups Franska Grammatik, Gleerups 1995 (1:a uppl., 3:e tryckn.) 91-40-61290-2.
Léon, M. & Léon, P.: La prononciation du français, Nathan Université, Linguistique 128. 2-200-34071-0 (2001)
Tegelberg, E.: Franskt uttal i teori och praktik + cd-rom, Akademiförlaget. 2002. 91-44-02203-4
Camus, A.: L´Étranger, Gallimard, Coll. Folio, 2000. 2-07-039371-2 (Glossary sold in the SOL Reception ).
Lötmarker, R. & Mézières, P.: Parlons de la France, Natur och kultur. 1999. 91-27-63543-0
Landner, C.: Frankrike som arbetsfält, Svenska Dagbladet .1996. 91-7738-283-8 (partly).
Det franska samhällslivet, Compendium sold in the SOL Reception.


Code: 0108. Name: Grammar.
Higher education credits: 1,5. Grading scale: TH. Assessment: Written examination. Contents: For further information please contact the Centre for languages and literature.

Code: 0208. Name: Oral Proficiency.
Higher education credits: 3. Grading scale: TH. Assessment: Oral examination. Contents: For further information please contact the Centre for languages and literature.

Code: 0308. Name: Culture and Society.
Higher education credits: 1,5. Grading scale: TH. Assessment: Written examination.

Code: 0408. Name: Text Analysis.
Higher education credits: 1,5. Grading scale: TH. Assessment: Written examination. Contents: For further information please contact the Centre for languages and literature.