Syllabus academic year 2009/2010
(Created 2009-08-11.)

Higher education credits: 12. Grading scale: TH. Level: G2 (First level). Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish. FMIF05 overlap following cours/es: FMI065, FMIF01, GEMF01, FMI065, FMIF01 och GEMF01. Compulsory for: W3. Optional for: RH4. Course coordinator: Eva Leire,, Miljö- och energisystem. Assessment: A written exam, written assignments and a project work. The final grade is based on the grades for the project and the written exam on a basis 40/60. Home page:

The general aim of the course is that students should acquire knowledge about environmental management in companies and in society as a whole. The course should provide a basis for critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of environmental tools and policy instruments. Students should also be trained in critical thinking, in identifying and defining a problem and in written and oral communication.

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must

Basic concepts and principles of environmental issues are highlighted. The course should also give knowledge about economic and administrative policy instruments, as well as the advantages and drawbacks of different environmental tools, e.g. environmental legislation, life cycle assessment, environmental impact assessment, environmental management systems, environmental labelling and emission trading. The concept of sustainability and sustainability reporting.

Among the course requirements are an assignment in environmental legislation showing an understanding of the legal process of an environmental case, a discussion seminar on literature dealing with various aspects of sustainable development. A project involves a critical examination and analysis of an “environmental tool”, both politically decided policy instruments and methods and tools used in the economy.

Ammenberg, J.: Miljömanagement. Studentlitteratur, Lund 2004.
Pihl, H.: Miljöekonomi för en hållbar utveckling, latest edition, SNS förlag, Stockholm.
De Facto, current issue. Naturvårdsverket.
Tillståndsprövning och anmälan avseende miljöfarlig verksamhet. Naturvårdsverket handbok 2003:5.
The reading list is established each year.