Syllabus academic year 2009/2010
(Created 2009-08-11.)

Higher education credits: 8. Grading scale: UG. Level: G1 (First level). Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish. EXTA30 overlap following cours/es: TNX075, TNX075 och TNX075. Compulsory for: BI2. Course coordinator: Nils Gustafsson,, Statsvetenskapliga inst. Assessment: Written examination. Home page:

The course highlights a number of central issues in the politically governed sector of society. The exertion of power in a democratic system. The authority of the government and parliament. Legislation and basic freedom and rights. Municipal autonomy. Public administration in the political system. The political governing of public administration. The influence of public administration on political decision-making. The organisation and competence of central and municipal administration. The relationship and division of labour between different responsible bodies in public administration. Resources in public activity; central and municipal budgetary procedure, tax and fee funding. Developmental traits in public administration. The renewal of the public sector. Swedish public administration in an international perspective. Tuition consists of lessons and seminars. Discussions and practise exercises are emphasised.

Petersson, Olof.: Svensk Politik.Norstedts juridik Stockholm 2007 (även äldre upplagor).
Rothstein, Bo (red).: Politik som organisation: förvaltningspolitikens grundproblem. SNs förlag, Stockholm 2001.
Särskilt material om regleringen av räddningstjänsten: Förordning (2003:789) om skydd mot olyckor. Lag (2003:778) om skydd mot olyckor. Räddningsverkets regleringsbrev 2005.
Räddningsverkets årsredovisning 2004.
Särskilt material till seminarium om den framtida samhällsorhanisationen: SOU 2003:123.
Slutrapport från SOLA-projektet. Fransson & Wennemo "Var finns efterfrågan om kommunalt självstyre?" Svegfors DN-debatt 030706. Svegfors DN-debatt 030126.
Nuder, Per Författningstexter.