Syllabus academic year 2009/2010
(Created 2009-08-11.)

Higher education credits: 3. Grading scale: UG. Level: A (Second level). Language of instruction: The course will be given in English. Compulsory for: MWIR1. Optional for: E3, E3ks. Course coordinator: Fredrik Rusek,, Inst för elektro- och informationsteknik. Recommended prerequisits: ETI031 Radio, ETT051 Digital Communications, ETI051 Radiosystems. Assessment: Written report and oral presentation of the project work. Home page:

The aim is to, through project work, give a comprehensive view of how the different building blocks in a wireless communication system work and interact. The students should after the course be able to simulate the sub-blocks in a simple communication system including both the physical layer and basic control mechanisms. They should thereby get a good understanding of how the performance of the sub-blocks can be evaluated through simulations and how these simulations can be used in the system design process.

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Have an understanding of the properties of the building blocks and their interaction in a complete wireless communication system. An important part is the understanding that different technology choices often lead to compromises where all desired properties not can be achieved simultaneously.

Be familiar with different techniques for simulating or by other means evaluating the performance of system proposals in comparative studies.

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

Be able to analyze and describe the properties of a sub-block in a wireless communication system, and from this suggest a suitable implementation method.

Be able to design the sub-blocks in a simulation chain for a wireless communication link form a given project description.

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must

Have a comprehensive view of how the different sub-blocks in a wireless communication link interact with other.

Feel confident in the ability to understand, analyse and describe the properties of different sub-blocks in a communication link in order to evaluate and verify their performance.

The main part of the course is a simulation project where the students in groups analyse, implement, simulate and test different sub-components in a wireless communication link. The project requires that knowledge from other courses in the same area is combined and contains literature studies of both recommended and external material, implementation, simulation and test. The lectures and exercises work like a direct introduction to the project, while the main part of the course consists of project work. At the end of the course the project is disseminated both orally and through a project report.

Project description, that contain a list of (project dependent) recommended literature, provided by the department.