Syllabus academic year 2009/2010
(Created 2009-08-11.)

Higher education credits: 3. Grading scale: UG. Level: G2 (First level). Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish. Optional for: D4, Pi4. Course coordinator: Jonas Skeppstedt,,, Inst f datavetenskap. Prerequisites: EDA027 Algorithms and Data Structures or EDAA01 Programming - Second Course and the compulsory course items in EDA115 Algorithm Implementation. Assessment: To qualify for a passing grade the project must be completed. Further information: The course is gived during tha last weeks of the first study period of the spring term and consists of a project work attached to the course EDA115 Algorithm Implementation. Home page:

The purpose of the course is that the students should use knowledge from the course EDA115 Algorithm Implementation when writing software for multiprocessors, ie to learn how to implement and algorithm as efficiently as possible on a particular multiprocessor.

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

Multiprocessors, classification of cache misses, decomposition of the computation into tasks. Assignment of tasks to threads. Mapping of threads to processors. Programming models, synchronisation, and communication. Owner computes rule. Memory consistency models. Sequential consistency. Weak ordering. Release consistency. Current research trends in multiprocessor computer architecture. Pthreads.

Please refer to EDA115 Algorithm Implementation.