The aim of this course is to give the participants an insight into how the different parts of the infrastructure system interact with and affect one another and our noise environment, as well as how the infrastructure is planned in practice. The course also takes up the infrastructures national economic significance.
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
Explain various concepts in the infrastructure systems relevant components; acoustics, road construction, traffic and water and environmental technology.
Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must
Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must
This course is a continuation of the process of social structures and infrastructure design. It will not, however, be concerned with the construction itself, but the infrastructure needed for the area to function. The area has to be provided with a water supply; sewage and waste water must be removed or treated locally. Accessibility through networks for different road users has to be planned; parking spaces and public transport have to be provided. The negative noise effects of traffic have to be assessed. Bus stops, car parks and cycle paths have to be designed and dimensioned and suitable materials have to be used for different surfaces.
The course beginning is characterised by a fair amount of knowledge acquired through lectures and exercises. This knowledge has a bearing on a wider area than the project, which is mainly carried out in the latter part of the course. The project work reflects the manner in which the various infrastructure parts interact, and how the traffic and building designs affect the noise levels in an area. Some economic aspects are considered in connection with resource allocation, financing and exploitation of new areas.
Kurskompendium akustik, Inst f teknisk akustik. Under utarbetande
Allmänna vattenledningsnät; Anvisningar för utformning, förnyelse och beräkning, VAV P83 2001
"Dimensionering av allmänna avloppsledningar", Svenskt Vatten P90 2004-02-19
Avloppsrening i Sverige, Statens Naturvårdsverk 2003
Kompletterande material
Som grundlitteratur används TRAST-Trafik för en attraktiv stad. Kommunförbundet 2003.
Blank L., Engineering Economy, WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1998, ISBN0-07-063110-7
Eklund k., Vår ekonomi, Prisma, 2002, ISBN91-518-3878-8
Holmberg B, Hydén C., trafiken i samhället, Grunder för planering och utformning, student litteratur, ISBN91-44-00077-4
Code: 0105.
Name: Written Examination.
Higher education credits: 9.
Grading scale: TH.
Assessment: Written exam at the end of the course.
Contents: The exam consists of questions and calculations related to acoustics, road construction, traffic and water and environmental engineering.
Code: 0205.
Name: Project Work.
Higher education credits: 6.
Grading scale: UG.
Assessment: Written and oral prsentaion of project work.
Code: 0305.
Name: PBL-exercises.
Higher education credits: 6.
Grading scale: UG.
Assessment: Obligatory presence at base group meetings. Written account of learning/teaching objectives.