The objective of this course is to prove fundamental knowledge concerning the legal regulations as well as technical and economic prerequisites that exist when planning and modifying land use and real estate formation.
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must
Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must
The course encompasses four main sections:
1. Physical planning and planning realization;
2. Appropriate real estate formations;
3. Real Estate Law; and
4. Principles of compensation in real estate.
Included in the course are the fundamental concepts concerning physical planning, real estate properties, real estate formation and compensation. The effects of different measures on real estate and changes of real estate properties and the connection between measures are examined. The course also addresses methods, practices and the development within the area of real estate and describes the significance of land for community development and the need for a satisfactory system for reporting, ownership and changes of real estate as well as the interface between real estate properties. The course takes up expropriation of land and its consequences for the property owner and the community, as well as the interplay between the property owner, governmental authorities and other actors. Both high and low density population areas are examined.
Swedish real estate and its historical background are examined. Certain comparisons are made with conditions in other countries. The course consists of four projects - one within each of the four primary sections. The data program system for processing and presenting geographical information together with other real estate related information are to be used as aids. Different learning forms include:
Julstad B: Fastighetsindelning och markanvändning. Norstedts Juridik 2005. ISBN:91-39-10674-8
Sjödin E m fl: Markåtkomst och ersättning. Norstedts Juridik 2002. ISBN: 91-39-20320-4
Kalhbro T: Markexploatering. Norstedts Juridik 2002. ISBN: 91-39-20268-2
Boverket: Boken om detaljplan och områdesbestämmelser. Boverket 2002. ISBN: 91-7147-699-7
Lantmäteriverket: Handböcker och Anvisningar (extract is distributed)
Code: 0107.
Name: Planning.
Higher education credits: 9.
Grading scale: UG.
Assessment: Written examination.
Contents: See course plan.
Code: 0207.
Name: Principles of Compensation in Real Estate.
Higher education credits: 9.
Grading scale: UG.
Assessment: Written examination.
Contents: See course plan.
Code: 0307.
Name: Project 1-2.
Higher education credits: 7,5.
Grading scale: UG.
Assessment: Two approved project works.
Code: 0407.
Name: Project 3-4.
Higher education credits: 7,5.
Grading scale: UG.
Assessment: Two approved project works.