Syllabus academic year 2008/2009
(Created 2008-07-17.)

Higher education credits: 7,5. Grading scale: TH. Level: G2 (First level). Language of instruction: The course will be given in English on demand. AEB020 overlap following cours/es: TNV095 och TNV095. Optional for: E4, E4em, F4, M4, W4, W4ea. Course coordinator: Björn Karlsson, professor,, Energi- och ByggnadsDesign. Recommended prerequisits: Basic courses in electricity and electronics. Experience from the use of calculation program like Matlab and Excel. The course might be cancelled if the numer of applicants is less than 10. Assessment: Written examination, approved assignments, approved reports from laborations and study task and attendence at study visits. Home page:

There is from a national and global point of view necessary to develope renewable energy technologies for generating electric energy. PV-system will in the future be one of the most important technologies for producing electricity. The course aims at teaching basic knowledge of how solar cells and solar cell systems works in different applications. In Sweden building integrated PV-systems are most interesting. In the developing countries where many people lives outside the electric grid, stand alone PV systems are of great interest. The ability to simulate the performance of PV-systems is an important part of the course. After the course the student should be able to perform a prestudy of the installation of a new PV-system

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must


Solceller. ISBN91-7332-987-8, Applied Photovoltaics, ISBN 0 86758 909-4
Written course materiels which are developed within course. This materiel is distributed in the course or can be downloaded from the course home page.