Syllabus academic year 2007/2008
Higher education credits: 7,5.
Grading scale: TH.
Level: G1
(First level).
Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish.
VSM141 overlap following cours/es: VSM140, VSM025, VSM140, VSM025, VSM140 och VSMA05.
Compulsory for: V2.
Course coordinator: Susanne Heyden,, Byggnadsmekanik.
Recommended prerequisits: VSM010 Mechanics.
Assessment: Two hand-in assignments (one of which is also presented orally), one laboratory assignment and one written examination.
Home page:
The aim of the course is to give an introduction to structural mechanics with application to types of structures that are common in buildings and infrastructure.
The course is built upon previous courses in especially mechanics, mathematics and material science and is intended as basic general knowledge for a MSc in Civil Engineering and to give necessary prerequisites for further studies in structural engineering and more advanced structural mechanics.
Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must
- Be able to explain basic concepts and relations within the area.
- Be able to describe the fundamental shape of the stress distribution caused by axial load, bending or torsion in a beam.
Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must
- Be able to choose a suitable model for analysing a simple structure.
- Be able to calculate section forces, stresses and deformations for bars, trusses, beams, simple frames, shafts and simple composite structures.
- Be able to determine principal stresses and directions for a two-dimensional stress state.
- Be able to analyse columns with respect to buckling and second order theory.
- Be able to analyse free-vibration response and response to harmonic loading for a single-degree-of-freedom system.
- Be able to present a clear written solution to a problem (given data, assumptions, calculations, results, conclusions).
- Be able to orally present the solution of a problem in front of a group of students and teachers.
Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must
- Be able to assess the reasonableness in an obtained result.
The course starts with a revision of free-body diagrams and equilibrium, with application to trusses, and introduction of the concepts stress and strain.
- Free-body diagrams and equilibrium. Trusses. Stress, strain and stress-strain relationships.
After that follows a compehensive treatment of Bernoulli's beam theory:- Section forces in beams. Normal stress and shear stress for elastic bending of beams. Plastic bending of beams. Deflection of beams. Statically indeterminate beams.
Finally, some furter subjects within structural mechanics are introduced:- Columns; buckling and second order theory. Torsion of circular cross sections. Transformation of stress and strain, principal stresses, yield criteria. Dynamics; free vibrations and response to harmonic loading for simple structural elements.
The following engineering skills are also included in the course: The role of a structural designer in history and today. Oral presentation.
Heyden, S, Dahlblom, O, Olsson, O, Sandberg, G: Introduktion till strukturmekaniken. KFS i Lund AB.
Reference literature for hand-in assignments: Svenska språknämnden: Svenska skrivregler. Liber, 2003. ISBN:47-04974-X