Syllabus academic year 2007/2008

Higher education credits: 15. Grading scale: TH. Level: A (Second level). Language of instruction: The course might be given in English. TEK087 overlap following cours/es: ??1925. Optional for: N4. Course coordinator: Carin Jarl-Sunesson,, Inst f cell- och organismbiologi. Prerequisites: TEK285, TEK295, TEK015 and TEK012. The number of participants is limited to 5 Selection criteria: Credits remaining for the degree. Home page:

The specific structure and characteristics of the plant and the plant cell. The different life processes of the plant. Signalling and regulation of different processes in the plant. The plant’s ability to adapt to its living environment.

Training in the oral and written presentation of material.

According to a reading list determined by the department. This list will be available at least five weeks before the start of the course.