Syllabus academic year 2007/2008

Higher education credits: 9. Grading scale: UG. Level: G1 (First level). Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish. KKK065 overlap following cours/es: FMS086, KETA01, KKK060, KKK070, KKKA01, FMS086, KETA01, KKK060, KKK070, KKKA01 och KKKA05. Compulsory for: B1, K1. Course coordinator: Michaël Grimsberg,, Inst för kemiteknik. Assessment: Hands-in. Computer excercises. Home page:

The course aim is to prepare the student for studies in the later parts of the programmes.

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

Basic chemical engineering: Material balances. Energy balances. Balances on transient processes.
Computional methods: Matlab. Numerical methods for linear equation systems, non-linear equation, integrals, non-linear equation systems and differential equations.
Statistics: The basis in probability theory and inference, confidence intervals, statistical methods such as design of experiments and regression analysis.
Statistic applications: measurement value analysis, different types of errors and their propagation; comparisons of means and variations; concepts and methods for quality control, estimations of proportions; regression analysis, calibration; factorial designs, optimisation of experimental parameters, response surfaces. Applications in chemical and biotechnical engineering are of particular interest

Grimsberg, M: Grundläggande Kemiteknik. KFS 2007.
Grimsberg, M: Börja med Matlab. KFS 2005.
Olbjer, L: Experimentell och industriell statistik.1999.