Syllabus academic year 2007/2008

Higher education credits: 7,5. Grading scale: UG. Level: G1 (First level). Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish. FAF240 overlap following cours/es: FAFA10 och FAFA10. Compulsory for: N2. Optional for: D4, E2rn, M4. Course coordinator: Dan Hessman, och Gunnar Ohlén,, Fysik, kurslaboratoriet. Recommended prerequisits: Basic courses in mathematics and programming. Assessment: The examination is based on a written examination after about 3 weeks and laboratory exercises and a project with written and oral reports. The students have to pass the written examination to be allowed to participate in the laboratory exercises. Home page:

The objective of the course is to give an introduction to quantum mechanics and its concepts. Furthermore, nanotechnology is introduced as the science of materials and devices whose structure on the nanometre scale has been deigned to give new, unique properties. In order to understand these characteristic properties, quantum mechanics is a necessary tool. Conversely, the course will use nanotechnology to illustrate quantum mechanical phenomena and to motivate for further studies in quantum mechanics. The course will in this way emphasize the mutual interdependence of technology and science in general and of nanotechnology and quantum mechanics in particular. The course should also give the opportunity to reflect on the fascinating phenomena of quantum physics.

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

- be able to identify and analyse quantum mechanical problems, as well as perform and interpret calculations.

- be able to analyse simple problems in nano-physics.

- be able to propose hypotheses that can be experimentally tested.

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

- be able to test hypotheses with experiments.

- be able to evaluate the results from laboratory work and design simple experiments.

- be able to give a short oral presentation.

- be able to write a report about project/laboratory work.

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must

- be able to actively participate in a discussion concerning physics problems.

- be able to on his/her own find scientific information relevant for a report on a topic within the course.

A major focus will be on the understanding of basic concepts. The student will be encouraged to actively discuss, explain and reflect on the course content. Lab exercises are exploited to visualise and concretise abstract concepts. This gives the student the possibility to directly observe quantum mechanical phenomena through optical and electrical measurements on materials and devices relevant to optical communication and high speed electronics.

Quantum mechanics: Basic concepts such as de Broglie waves, interpretation as probabilities and tunnelling. The Schrödinger equation and energy quantisation in small systems. Absorption and emission of photons in a quantum mechanical picture.

Nanotechnology: Methods for making nanometre sized structures. Measurement techniques for studying quantum phenomena in such structures. Nanotechnology applications with emphasis on modern quantum electronics.

G. Ohlén: Kvantvärldens fenomen, teori och begrepp, Studentlitteratur 2005, ISBN 91-44-03450-4.
Lecture notes.