Syllabus academic year 2007/2008

Higher education credits: 7,5. Grading scale: TH. Level: G1 (First level). Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish. FAF121 overlap following cours/es: FAFA30. Compulsory for: BI1. Course coordinator: Lars Engström,, Fysik, kurslaboratoriet. Assessment: Written exam and completed experimental sessions. Home page:

The student should develop his understanding of basic concepts within fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and electricity and magnetism necessary for his future role as a fire engineer and as needed in later courses. Many of the concepts introduced are also of great importance for a deeper understanding of the world around us and as parts of a general scientific knowledge. The course should also train the student in scientific problem-solving techniques and in writing presentations of experimental data and comparisons to physics models.

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must

Experimental methodology: analysis and presentation of experimental data.
Electricity and magnetism: Electrostatics, electric and magnetic fields. Potential, electromagnetic induction, A.C. and D.C. circuits.
Physics of gases and fluids: Pressure, basic hydromechanics, ideal and real gases, phase transitions and the kinetic theory of gases. Thermodynamics, first and second law. Heat and cold engines. Heat transport through conduction, convection and radiation.

Borgström, B, Jönsson, G. och Kullberg, R. Elektricitetslära med tillämpningar. Studentlitteratur 2000.
Jönsson, G. Grundläggande fysik om gaser och vätskor. Studentlitteratur 2002.
Laborationsinstruktioner för BI, Fysiska institutionen.
Reistad N. Börja med MatLab.