Course syllabus

Artificial Intelligence
Artificiell intelligens

EDAP01, 7.5 credits, A (Second Cycle)

Valid for: 2024/25
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering LTH
Decided by: PLED C/D
Date of Decision: 2024-04-16
Effective: 2024-05-08

General Information

Main field: Machine Learning, Systems and Control Depth of study relative to the degree requirements: Second cycle, in-depth level of the course cannot be classified
Elective for: BME4, C4-pvs, C4-pvt, D4-pv, D4-mai, E4-bg, F4, F4-mai, I4, IDA3, MMSR1, MSOC2, Pi4-bam
Language of instruction: The course will be given in English


To give an introduction to several subdomains of artificial intelligence and to give an orientation about fundamental methods within these domains. To convey knowledge about breath and depth of the domain. To provide insight about the ethical consequences of AI-based technology.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must


Intelligent agents. Heuristic search. Adversarial search. Knowledge based systems. Machine learning. Natural language. Semantic Web. Probabilistic reasoning. Intelligent robots. Planning. Ethics of AI.

Examination details

Grading scale: TH - (U, 3, 4, 5) - (Fail, Three, Four, Five)

Written examination. To qualify for the exam students must have completed the assignments. The final grade of the course is based on the result of the written examination.

The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular form of examination in order to provide a permanently disabled student with a form of examination equivalent to that of a student without a disability.

Code: 0124. Name: Compulsory Course Items.
Credits: 3.0. Grading scale: UG - (U, G). Assessment: To qualify for a passing grade the assignments must be completed. The module includes: Assignments related to some of the treated subdomains are implemented to give practical experience of difficulties such as computational complexity, scalability and result interpretation.
Code: 0224. Name: Exam.
Credits: 4.5. Grading scale: TH - (U, 3, 4, 5). Assessment: To qualify for the exam the assignments must be completed. The final grade of the course is based on the result of the written examination. The module includes: Written exam


Admission requirements:

Assumed prior knowledge: FMAB65 Calculus in One Variable B1, FMAB70 Calculus in One Variable B2, FMAB20 Linear Algebra and FMAB30 Calculus in Several Variables.
The number of participants is limited to: No
Kursen överlappar följande kurser: EDA132 EDAF70 TFRP20

Reading list


Course coordinator: Elin A. Topp,
Course coordinator: Professor Jacek Malec,
Teacher: Professor Pierre Nugues,
Teacher: Stefan Larsson,
Course homepage:

Further information

Detailed rules concerning the assignments will be found in the course web site.