Syllabus academic year 2008/2009
(Created 2008-07-17.)

Higher education credits: 6. Grading scale: TH. Level: G2 (First level). Language of instruction: The course will be given in Swedish. Compulsory for: I3, INEK4. Optional for: M4, RH4, W4. Course coordinator: Peter Berling,, Produktionsekonomi. Prerequisites: MIO040 Advanced course in Managerial Economics. Assessment: Examination consists of a written exam in the end of the course, which consists of 8-10 questions and three compulsory computer exercises. To pass the course students should earn 50% of the total points of the written exam and have a grade pass for all the computer labs. The attendance at the three computer labs is compulsory. After each lab the students should hand in a written report. A failed report can be corrected by the students and handed in again for evaluation. The lab reports can be handed in only during the course period and in connection with the retakes. Home page:

The goal of the course is to give the students a general understanding of the financial theories both from a company perspective, by studying the financial decisions of companies, and a market perspective, by describing the mechanisms that govern the financial markets as well as pricing financial assets and managing financial risks.

The course covers issues related to the financial markets both from the borrowers’ and the investors’ viewpoint. The course is also divided into two different parts regarding the choice of the financial assets under the consideration. The first part deals with equity capital and related derivatives, while the second part focuses on fixed income securities.

More specifically, the goal of the course is to give the students:

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

have the following knowledge and understanding:

Skills and abilities
For a passing grade the student must

after completing the course, including lectures, exercises and computer exercises, have the ability to

The students are expected to be able to employ the established technical terms and to communicate in a comprehensible manner the problem, solutions and arguments from the quantitative studies in finance. After completion of the course the students should be able to independently search for and evaluate information from other sources within finance to develop their knowledge within this field.

The course consists of the following subjects:

Berk, J. & DeMarzo, P.: Corporate Finance plus MyFinanceLab. Pearson Addison Wesley, Boston 2007.
Lecture notes available on the course’s website.