Syllabus spring term 2007

Juridik för tekniker

Credits: 5. Grading scale: TH. Optional for: A3, B2, BI3, C4, D4, E4, F4, I3, ID1, K2, M3, MD2, N2, Pi2, RH3, V4, W3. Course coordinator: Peter Gerhard,, Inst för handelsrätt. Assessment: Written examination. Homepage:

This course aims mainly at:

The emphasis of the course is on an elucidation of the legal aspects of the economy, the public sector and on a description of the role of the business firms in the legal system.

The course opens with a presentation of the means available to society of regulating economic and business life. Information is given about the legislative apparatus, the sources of law, the legal system and the law courts. This is followed by a basic course in civil law, which includes mainly the law of property and also a brief presentation of general legal procedure, including arbitration procedure. A survey is also given of other regulations that are of special importance to economic life, such as trade and market law, intellectual property law, company law, labour law and environmental law.

Carlson, P. & Persson, M.: Processrättens grunder. Iustus förslag 6 uppl 2001; Gerhard, P.: Köprättens grunder, Liber 8 uppl. 2002; Ramberg, C och Ramberg, J: Avtalsrätten. En introduktion, Norstedts Juridik 2 uppl 2003; Malmström, Å. & Agell, A.: Civilrätt, Liber 17 uppl. 2001; Nordell, P J: Marknadsrätten – En introduktion. Norstedts Juridik 2002; Smiciklas, M: Associationsrättens grunder. Studentlitteratur 2 uppl 2000. Arbetsmaterial: t.ex. Sveriges Rikes Lag, Norstedts Juridik eller Sveriges Lagar Fakta Informationsförslag. Frågekompendium: Institutionen för handelsrätt.